jueves, 13 de febrero de 2014

Deconstructing the # fraud theory of evolution by jokerphd


The renowned astrophysicist and mathematician Fred Hoyle describes it as follows: The chance that higher life forms have come this way can be compared to the probability of a tornado that went through a garbage metals build a Boeing 747 the pieces fly out.
In addition, for many years, Francis Crick, winner of the Nobel Prize, believed in the theory of molecular evolution, but at one point I had to admit that such a complex molecule such as DNA could not have emerged spontaneously by chance as a result of an evolutionary process.
The Turkish evolutionist Professor Ali Demisroy had no choice but to make the following confession on this subject: "In fact the probability of formation of a protein and a nucleic acid is smaller than we can calculate it's more. Possibilities appear a certain protein chain is so small that we can describe astronomical. "
Evolutionary theory that the first cell appeared by chance is completely irrational, comparable to saying that the Boeing 747 was formed by chance.
Among all discovered in the fossil over the years, there is not a single example of the intermediate forms q would be necessary if, as advocated by the theory of evolution, what living things have evolved step by step simple species to other more complex .
Robert Carroll, an expert on vertebrate paleontology and evolutionist, has admitted:
"Despite more than a century of intensive data collection efforts since the death of Darwin, the fossil record still does not offer image links infinit0s the expected transition."
The main groups of animals appeared at once and fully formed in a very short period of time known as the Cambrian Explosion. Before that time, no other product in the fossil record from another agency and some primitive unicellular multicellular creatures.
All fossils found in Cambrian rocks belong to very different creatures, such as snails, trilobites, sponges, jellyfish, starfish, mollusks, etc.. Many of the creatures in this layer are the same as those of modern specimens (amazing: O) avanxadas complex systems and structures, such as eyes, gills and xirculatorios systems. Estrucuras These are very advanced and very different time.
and here's something even more bizarre and impressive: One of the human fossils that has aroused more interest was found in Spain in 1995. The fossil in question found three Spanish paleoanthropologists from the University of Madrid. Descubireto was in a cave called Gran Dolina in the Atapuerca region. The fossil revealed the face of a child of 11, identical to modern man. However, the studies revealed that the child had died 800,000 thousand years ago! (No words: O) This fossil was even doubt Juan Luis Ferreras, who directed the excavation at Gran Dolina, here is what Ferreras said: "What we found was a totally modern face, for me this is the most spectacular, are the kinds of things that dismantle you, find something as unexpected as that. But the most spectacular thing is finding something in the past that you think belongs to this. would be like finding a tape recorder in Gran Dolina. This would be very surprising, we do not expect cassettes and tape recorders in the Lower Pleistocene. Finding a modern face 800,000 years ago is the same. We really surprised when we saw ".
The importance of these residues is revealing that / the human @ s lived while creatures called simieses, evolutionists define as their ancestors. When cornered, some followers of the theory of evolution resort to the phrase, "although no scientific discoveries confirm this theory today, it will make in the future."
But science does not follow this logic: "these are my conclusions and evidence and appear to confirm the theory." Science examines the available evidence and draws conclusions.
Biology students and the general public are rarely aware of the profound uncertainty about human origins reflexada appearing in these statements of scientific experts. Instead they are fed to speculation as if they realities. And speculation will usually illustrated with drawings fantasios cavemen, or photographs of human actors very makeup.
The scandals concerning counterfeits are a constant in the history of evolution. Darwin himself was fraudulent: in his book "Expressions of the Emotions in honmbre and animals" were used a series of photographs doctored to confirm your hypothesis.
The Archaeoraptor: Recently more fraud was discovered. Many cheered
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that discovery as the missing link between dinosaurs and modern birds. Today it was discovered that was nothing more than a poorly grouted various parts of fossils mixture.
Evolutionary Biologist Ernst Haeckel in the late nineteenth century (nineteen) postulates that living embryos re_experimentan the evolutionary process that their pseudo-ancestors. Haeckel theorized that during its development package utero maternal human embryo first displayed the characteristics of a fish, then a reptile, and finally those of a human.
Ernst Haeckel published several drawings to support your idea. Haeckel faked drawings made to look like fish and human embryos were alike! When he was discovered, the only thing he could say in his defense was that other evolutionists had committed similar offenses. Actually I also said: "After the confession of these fakes compremetedora I should consider condemned and annihilated, but for the consolation of seeing

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