miércoles, 5 de febrero de 2014

Forcing to install Android Apps on SD card

A friend has a HTC mobile whose memory fills without stopping. By default, the Market applications you install there rather than in the large SD card, so every time you install something you must move the memory to the SD card with App2SD and Move.

Looking at the options, there seems no way to tell the phone to install everything on the card. But just be patient, download the Android Development Kit and follow these instructions to force your phone to install all applications directly on the card (without rooting).
What you need to perform the hack

Before you start, download the following programs:

Java Development Kit (JDK)
Android Development Kit (SDK)
HTC Sync or USB drivers (such as Google or these)
And in your phone, go to Settings> Applications> Development and enable USB Debugging.

1. Installing the SDK and Platform-tools

To get started, install the Java JDK, then do the same with the Android SDK. After you have installed the SDK, Android SDK Manager and run the Android SDK brand Plataform-tools package. Install it.

This toolkit contains the Android Debug Bridge, a utility that allows to communicate with an Android device from the command line. It is the need to tell Android to install everything on the memory card.

Two. Connect the phone to your computer

Now connect your Android phone to your computer using the USB cable and select the connection mode HTC Sync. If HTC Sync automatically opened in Windows, close it from the icon on the taskbar (right-click> Close).

Apparently, not all cables are equally valid: in some cases not connect well with the device. Please have more than one just in case. To find out if you are served, go to step 3.

Three. Open a command console and performs checks

Go to Start> Run, or press Windows + R and type cmd-. In the command console, go to the directory "Program files (x86)" or "Program Files" and go into the Android / Android-SDK / Platform-tools route. Once there:

Write adb devices to see if the phone is connected and recognizable
You should see a device with a serial number
If not, or appears as offline, try another USB cable
Write netstat and check if port 5037 is in use
It is using ADB. If in use, close the process that is using
Before proceeding, you should disable any firewall or antivirus resident as it may interfere with the process of connecting with mobile ADB.

April. Execute the command to force the installation on SD cards

Android has a parameter that describes how applications are installed by default on mobile. This parameter is called setInstallLocation and accepts three values:

0 [auto]: Let the phone decide the best location for an app
1 [internal]: It installs everything in the internal storage
2 [external]: It installs everything in the memory card
As you may have guessed, what you need to do is change the value of setInstallLocation of 0-2. To do this, run one of the following commands:

adb shell pm setInstallLocation 2

adb shell pm install-set-location 2
To check the success of the process, type adb shell pm get-install-location. If everything went correctly, the response of the command line should be this:

If no error message, unplug the phone, turn it off and back on. Now all applications installed on the SD card. If you want to return to the previous situation, repeat the process for changing 2 zero.

For the video tutorial, click here

A note of caution

Some applications will not run right from the memory card. It then manually move them from the SD card to the phone. An example of apps that need to be on mobile are the widgets.

By romantic_404 Sector

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