jueves, 6 de febrero de 2014

Gaseous zero calorie Pepsi and Coca Cola are more dangerous than you think


Zero calorie sodas such as Coke Zero and Pepsi Max are being gradually but surely comsumidos will turn into the next generation of diet soft drinks. Based on its popularity, obviously the people are drinking, but if they do not contain any calories, then What exactly is drinking?

As a result of consuming too many processed foods that have a high level of sugar and carbs, most of the population is overweight and thousands of people trying to lose weight by cutting calories are failing miserably. As such, zero-calorie drinks such as Coke Zero and Pepsi Max are not the answer to weight loss that many people think they are, and to make matters worse, the chemical additives in these drinks can endanger your health.

Coke Zero and Pepsi Max

Most diet sodas, including Diet Coke and Diet Pepsi, say they are virtually calorie-free for years. As such, Coca Cola Zero and Pepsi Max are nothing more than diet sodas with some new ingredients and a unique marketing twist. The following are some of the most notable ingredients in Coke Zero and Pepsi Max do not exist in their counterparts of Coca Cola and Pepsi full of calories.


Aspartame is an artificial sweetener that is considered by many health experts as one of the most dangerous food additives in the world. Despite a significant amount of controversy, aspartame is often associated with cancer, neurological disorders, including Parkinson's disease and Alzheimer's disease and a long list of other conditions and unpleasant symptoms.

The controversy surrounding aspartame is fueled by corporate interests. In late 1990, Dr. Ralph Walden showed how significant this influence by conducting a review of 165 studies that were available at the time and were related to the safety of aspartame for humans. Of these, 74 were funded by companies with financial ties to the aspartame and the other 91 were funded by independent sources. All research had financial ties to the aspartame considered it safe, while 92% of independent research indicated otherwise.

Acesulfame potassium

Acesulfame potassium, often called Acesulfame K, is another artificial sweetener that is increasing in popularity. Although further research must be made acesulfame K, has been shown to promote cancer and increases insulin production in animals.


Potassium benzoate is a food preservative used to prevent the growth of yeasts, fungi and bacteria. It has attracted much negative attention because of their potential to form benzene when combined with vitamin C. The long-term exposure to benzene has been found to cause cancer, anemia, immune suppression, irregular menstruation, and infertility.

Trading one problem for another

As shown in the following table, the biggest difference between Coca Cola Zero, Diet Coke, Pepsi Max and Diet Pepsi is introducing the sweetener Acesulfame ky reduction Aspartame.

Coke Zero Diet Coke Pepsi Diet Pepsi Max
Acesulfame K 46 mg 0 mg 32 mg 0 mg
Aspartame 87 mg 187 mg 123 mg 177 mg

Although it seems far less risk of aspartame that Acesulfame K, safety is still in question, and let Coca Cola Zero and Pepsi Max with two potentially dangerous artificial sweeteners instead of one.

Max Factor

Besides being the zero-calorie soda, Pepsi Max it is also marketed for its higher caffeine content and the addition of ginseng, which give it the appeal of an energy drink. Compared to 38 mg of caffeine in common Pepsi, there are 69 mg of caffeine in Pepsi Max. The inclusion of ginseng, which is a natural herbal supplement used to promote better mental and physical function, including Pepsi Max gives a little misleading health resource.

Caffeine and ginseng will never provide lasting and balanced sense of energy that can only result from optimal health. Moreover, they often rely on caffeine for energy is likely to worsen the underlying problem that is causing the fatigue and eventually lead to adrenal fatigue and poorer health.

Another suspect ingredient in Pepsi Max is the calcium disodium EDTA is commonly used by health professionals to help remove excess metals like mercury, lead and iron from the body. How does this with a drink you ask? According to Pepsi, helps "protect flavor". The real reason why this Pepsi Max is to reduce the risk of benzene formed from potassium benzoate preservative. What kind of Pepsi who cares for us that way.

A better perspective on weight loss

Clearly, the most obvious drinking zero calorie beverages like Coca Cola Zero and Pepsi Max reason is to reduce calorie intake and in turn lose weight. Ironically, although this is a controversial topic with supporting research on both sides, is shown in one study that people who rely on artificially sweetened drinks are more likely to gain weight. In association with this, especially aspartame has been shown to increase appetite and calorie consumption.

Losing weight is not different from the increase in energy in the sense that it is more effectively done through a healthy lifestyle. Too many people focus their appearance before his health and as a result, do not understand that the pursuit of better health and a healthy diet naturally leads to weight loss.

Any gas, regardless of the amount of calories you have, never will be a good choice for health.

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