jueves, 6 de febrero de 2014

Iron Mountain: They say the fire was to hide financial fraud Intentional

We're going to show research that's been going around the internet that makes death of the 9 firefighters in a virtual 'murder'. The fire had been caused by the owners of Iron Mountain to avoid serious speculative fraud. The Vulture Fund Management Elliott is the owner of Iron Mountain.

The company Iron Mountain, whose deposits in the neighborhood of barracks there was a fire and collapse is dedicated to the protection of documentation and file storage companies. Arrived in Argentina 14 years ago.


The company Iron Mountain documentation kept foreign trade enterprises, transnational corporations and speculative companies. Coincidentally, the fire occurs after the National Government, through the Central Bank and 12 hours before the fire, announced an investigation into tax evasion 6,500 million U $ D, and the same is accused foreign banks and oil . The complaint points to speculation against Argentina.

According to a spokesman ": banking, telephone and oil in the reservoir had files of companies from different areas," he said today. "For us, the big clients are banks, insurance companies, Pension Funds and utilities that keep many billing information and files", had said in 2006 the president of Iron Mountain Argentina, Ricardo García, opening the fourth floor of company in Parque Patricios. And to complement this information, you can add that firefighters and civil defense documents found among rubble HSBC Bank and Shell, among other companies investigated by speculative maneuvers in recent days.

Four other establishments belonging to Iron Mountain, the company owning the paper cassette that caught fire in barracks, had set fire above: two in the U.S., one in London and one in Ottawa.
According to a BBC news report, dated July 13, 2006, "a large fire destroyed a storage six story paper" in the London capital and should intervene in the sinister "about 100 firefighters."
Moreover, in the same report, the BBC cites that only a week before the fire another establishment Iron Mountain had also caught fire in Ottawa, with thousands of boxes of records inside.
Years earlier, on March 21, 1997, the U.S. newspaper The New York Times published a report on a "mysterious fire" that destroyed a "reservoir of corporate documents" in New Jersey, two days after another caught fire at a nearby reservoir, both from Iron Mountain.
The newspaper quoted the report to Robert Davidson, municipal fire chief, who then "sure that the first of the fires had been intentionally" and declared that it was "probable" that the second well.
In December 2009, the company was distinguished by Buenos Aires Mayor Mauricio Macri, for being one of the first three registered in the Registry of ICT companies of the City of Buenos Aires as part of the closing meeting of the year Consortium Business Technology District, which was held in the offices of Iron Mountain.


Is American Paul Singer. Do you know who is Paul Singer and what is its relationship with Shell and Fragata Libertad?:

The owner of the company Iron Mountain, whose subsidiary located in Argentina today barracks caught fire and collapse that caused 9 deaths, is the American Paul Singer.

Powerful Singer managed, as director of the vulture fund Elliott NML Capital Management, more than 15,000 million dollars capital. And this line, in turn, owns NML Capital, the company that has managed to hijack for 77 days Fragata Libertad in Ghana.
During 2012 the vulture funds NML Capital Limited who were asked to run the flagship Argentina demanding payment of debt. After several complaints the government to consider such action as violating international law, Argentina managed to recover the boat. Therefore, NML Elliot was forced to pay about $ 8 million to the port administration Subject for expenses generated by keeping the Frigate kidnapped.
Singer takes decades specializing in buying debt of countries like Peru or Congo when his value is at rock bottom and then claim a much higher price.
For several years, Singer has become the nightmare of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Argentina. It is the main financier of the lobby that serves justice and the U.S. Congress named AFTA (Task Force Argentina, for its acronym in English) to harm our country.
Paul Singer usually granted very few interviews. Year after year his fortune has grown between investment funds and other speculative worst image. Its strategy is to cultivate "humility" and discretion as possible.
In Iron Mountain documentation and protects valuable corporations like Shell, HSBC and laboratories operating throughout the world files are stored. Iron Mountain documentation kept foreign trade enterprises, transnational corporations and speculative. Coincidentally, the fire occurs after the National Government, through the Central Bank and 12 hours before the fire, announces a tax fraud investigation of U $ 6.500 Million D.
According to a spokesman ": banking, telephone and oil in the reservoir had files of companies from different areas," he said today. "For us, the big clients are banks, insurance companies, Pension Funds and utilities that keep many billing information and files", had said in 2006 the president of Iron Mountain Argentina, Ricardo García, opening the fourth floor of company in Parque Patricios.

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