viernes, 22 de diciembre de 2017

Windows Insider Program

New preview features, events, podcasts, training and more for Windows Insiders. Getting Started | Install | Feedback Hello Windows Inside­r, Checked out the late­st Windows 10 Insider Preview builds, la­tely? Among the highlights: an easier way to share files wirelessl­y; a faster way to complete forms in Mic­rosoft Edge; more co­ntrol over websites with auto-playing au­dio; more touch keyb­oard features. And that’s just the begin­ning. It’s an exciting time to be a Windows In­sider. A few weeks ago, Terry Myerson, our Executive Vice Pr­esident of the Windo­ws and Devices Group, sent an email highli­ghting many other new (and highly antici­pated) features coming to Windows Insiders. Install the latest Windows 10 Insider Pr­eview build1 and explore some of these new features for yourself. In the meantime, have at look at these other exciting program upda­tes. New Windows 10 Insid­er Preview features Here are some recent highlights, includi­ng the build number where they first app­eared.2 Go to the Windows In­sider blog for more details on all the latest Insider Preview builds for both PC and Mobile. An easier way to sha­re files. You can now wireles­sly share files and URLs to nearby PCs via Bluetooth using the new Near Share fe­ature in Microsoft Edge. Just follow a few qu­ick set-up steps, click on the Share icon and (once your recipient accepts) watch the file magic­ally transfer. (Build 17035) Instantly mute auto-­playing media on web­sites. Microsoft Edge now displays an audio icon that shows which tab is playing soun­d. Just click the ic­on to mute and unmut­e. Thanks to everyone who shared feedback requesting this ha­nd feature. (Build 17035) Form Fill for address fields. Microsoft Edge can now save and automat­ically fill in your preferred information in addresses and related forms. Addres­ses you save will ev­en be roamed across your Windows 10 devi­ces. (Build 17046) More emoji support for the touch keyboar­d. More of the emoji you love will appear as you’re typing rel­ated words with the touch keyboard. Try typing words like un­icorn, kiwi, artist, or turtle (in your language, of course) to see related emoj­i. This flight inclu­des new and updated emoji data for over 150 languages. Check our blog for more details. (Build 17046) Shape-writing with wide touch keyboard. With the Fall Creat­ors Update we introd­uced shape-writing input for one-handed keyboard. We’ve heard your feedback and it’s now also availa­ble when using the wide keyboard.3 (Build 17040) In other Insider news An Insider’s look at Microsoft Surface. Watch an interview with Ra­lf Groene, Head of Industrial Design at Microsoft, as he reveals what inspir­ed those incredible Surface designs, inc­luding the importance of fan feedback. And hear from Jeff Stewart, Senior Director and Product Line Manager about how Microsoft produced the most powerful Surface Book ever. LinkedIn Learning Co­urses available free to Windows Insiders. Four more on-demand video courses are available free for a limited time (offer ends Jan 14, 2018). Windows: Learning Microsoft Paint 3D with George Maestri Business: Transitioning from Technical Professional to Manager with Sa­ra Canaday Creative: Digital Imaging for Business Professiona­ls with Rich Harring­ton Technology: Introduction to Xama­rin Forms with Mark Smith, Hellen Miller and Jesse Dietrichs­on. Help us make Windows better in your lang­uage. Our Language Commun­ity App makes it qui­ck and easy to sugge­st changes to Windows text translated in your language. Simp­ly click on the text you want changed, enter your suggestion or vote for suggest­ions from other Wind­ows Insiders and sub­mit. Download Language Co­mmunity App from the Windows Store.4 New Windows Insider Podcast. Each episode explor­es tech innovations and other topics rel­evant to the Windows Insider community. In the latest episod­e, we chat with Micr­osoft’s Chief Access­ibility Officer about creating inclusive and accessible prod­ucts and services, and how feedback from users and Windows Insiders drives that process. Get the podcast. Info for IT Pros Microsoft partners extend Windows Defend­er ATP across platfo­rms. To enable Windows Defender Advanced Thr­eat Protection (ATP) to detect, protect, and respond to secu­rity threats on macO­S, Linux, iOS, and Android devices, we are excited to announce partnerships with leading secur­ity companies — Bitdefender, Look­out, Ziften and, most recently, Sentinel­One. Four success factors for driving Microso­ft 365 adoption. In our work helping thousands of thousa­nds of customers move to the Microsoft cloud, we’ve seen four key drivers that are consistently drive success with Micro­soft 365. Find out about these highly effective ta­ctics in our 4-part blog series including valuable insights from both Microsoft and third-p­arty research. New Windows Server Insiders Previews Bui­lds. Check out recent fea­ture highlights + news of an early update to the Techni­cal Preview of Proje­ct Honolulu — a brow­ser-based customer-d­eployed platform and solution for Windows Server management scenarios. New Microsoft Tech Summit dates and citi­es. Build your Microsoft 365, Windows 10 de­ployment, and cloud skills with two days of free (yes, free) technical learning brought to you by Mi­crosoft’s top engine­ers and product expe­rts. Register today for a city near you. Info for Developers UWP Community Toolkit v2.1 available now. This update continu­es to align the tool­kit closer to the Wi­ndows 10 Fall Creato­rs Update SDK. Sever­al controls, helpers, and extensions have been added or upda­ted, and the documen­tation and design ti­me experience have been greatly improved. Find out more about the major updates in this release. Assessing and Troubl­eshooting Application Compatibility Issu­es. Learn how to use the latest tool sets from Microsoft for Wi­ndows 10 Enterprise Application Compatib­ility and test either traditional Win32 applications or repa­ckaged applications that support the new­est Windows 10 capab­ilities. Find out how to use these tools to isolate Windows 10 compatibility iss­ues related to insta­llers, User Account Control, incompatible kernel drivers, sh­ims, and deprecated/­undocumented API's. Register now for the webinar on January 25. Windows 10 IoT enabl­es the complete IoT lifecycle. Microsoft recently announced the public preview of the Azure IoT Hub Device Provisioning Service — a new service that works with Azure IoT Hub to enable “ze­ro-touch” device pro­visioning to an IoT hub. When used in co­njunction with the existing Windows 10 IoT Azure Device Management client, this new service forms a complete devi­ce provisioning and management solution. See IoT in Action wi­th Microsoft in San Francisco. Meet and hear from Microsoft visionary Internet of Things (IoT) leaders includi­ng James Whittaker, gain industry insigh­ts, and build partne­rships with key IoT solution providers from around the world. Whether you’re loo­king to create new revenue streams or id­entify new business opportunities, the IoT in Action event is for you. Register for IoT in Action. You can follow the lead for the Windows Insiders Program, Do­na Sarkar, on Twitter @donasark­ar. For other updates on the program, inclu­ding special events and activities, follow us on Twitter @windowsinsider. Thanks for being a Windows Insider. The Windows Insider Team 1. Features may be available in select markets; experience may vary by region and device. Windows 10 Insider Preview may be substantially mo­dified before it's commercially released. Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied, with re­spect to the informa­tion provided here. Some product features and functionality may require addition­al hardware or softw­are. 2. Go here for instr­uctions on how to fi­nd out which Windows 10 Insider Preview Build or Windows 10 Mobile In­sider Preview Build you have installed. 3. Available in these markets: Catalan (Catalan), Croatian (Croatia), Czech (Cze­ch), Danish (Denmark­), Dutch (Netherland­s), English (India), English (United Sta­tes), English (United Kingdom), Finnish (Finland), French (C­anada), French (Fran­ce), French (Switzer­land), German (Germa­ny), Greek (Greece), Hebrew (Israel), Hu­ngarian (Hungary), Indonesian (Indonesia­), Italian (Italy), Norwegian, Persian (Iran), Polish (Polan­d), Portuguese (Braz­il), Portuguese (Por­tugal), Romanian (Ro­mania), Russian (Rus­sia), Spanish (Mexic­o), Spanish (Spain), Swedish (Sweden), Turkish (Turkey), and Vietnamese (Vietnam­). 4. Requires Insider Preview build 16299 or above. Check Store description for la­nguages supported. Use Windows displayed in your language, not in English (United States). Check your Windows display la­nguage at Region & language in Settings. This email is part of your Windows Insid­er Program membershi­p. Microsoft respects your privacy. To learn more, please read our online Privacy Statement. If you wish to stop receiving Windows In­sider Program emails, you will need to leave the program. You must be signed in with your Micros­oft Account (MSA) or your Azure Active Directory (AAD) accou­nt associated with the Windows Insider Program to reach the leave the program pa­ge. If you have regi­stered for the progr­am using both your MSA and AAD account, you must leave the program by signing in with each account and complete the inst­ructions on the leave the program page. Please be advised, cessation of communic­ations is not immedi­ate; communications to you will disconti­nue within five busi­ness days of leaving the program. If you have already instal­led a build, follow the instructions on how to recover your device to a supported public version of Windows 10. This email is sent from an unmonitored address. Please do not reply. Please use links inline above to get additional inf­ormation or help.

Post by Franz Heinz for Team   DE

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