domingo, 9 de febrero de 2014

A successful model

In 2006, with this ticket you bought:
yerba: 23 kgs.

Chicken: 31.25 kgs.

Roasted: 12 kgs.

cuadril 11 kgs.

ground beef: 33 lbs.

cream cheese: 7.5 kgs.

sugar: 67 kgs.

Whole milk: 91 lts.

lettuce: 67 kgs.

Tomatoes: 59 kgs.

oil mixture: 15 lts.

Today, with the bill's "Decade Won" shopping:
yerba: 2.5 kgs.

Chicken: 2.6 kgs.

Roasted: 1.3 kgs.

rump: 1.5 kgs.

mince: 1.8 kgs.

cream cheese: 1.4 kgs.

Sugar: 8.2 kgs.

whole milk 10.3 lts.

Lettuce: 5.1 kgs.

Tomatoes: 4.4 kgs.

oil mixture 3 lts.

And to think that there are still people who doubt the success of "MODEL WITH SOCIAL INCLUSION AND SUSTAINABLE GROWTH MATRIX DIVERSIFIED".

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