domingo, 9 de febrero de 2014

Firefighters killed and bureaucracies wash their hands

Today firefighters are mourning the death of his companions, a misfortune that is part of the routine risk that these unsung heroes run every day. It is a blow, a blow to the heart, a blow that has overwhelmed us.

The collapse of one wall of a deposit of documents belonging to the U.S. firm "Iron Mountain" has caused this painful misfortune. Nine firefighters perished. Their families cry. The country is in mourning. The State declared two days of mourning. A grief that shadows the country. The first woman firefighter dies (daughter of firefighter).

But what happened? Hours pass and growing suspicions and speculations on the causes of the fire. Were the causes that led intentional or was it an act of God?

The warehouse or barn was built in the late nineteenth century. There he ran the firm "Alpargatas". Paradoxically the foreign firm guarantees efficiency and safety file the papers are saved so that no deterioration in banks or companies where they come from.

The deposit was dilapidated, obsolete, walls cracked. This seems a grim metaphor for the current economic and social situation in Argentina. The threat of fire and collapse of the state as a result of such lethal corruption.

But does the checks had not approved its operation? Can there be such an irresponsible and blind bureaucracy has verified existing faults in a warehouse with over a century of built?

Citizens are accustomed to the explanations of officials when these tragedies happen. They are all innocent. Blame it on fate or the inability of the injured.

Inevitably this tragic event associated with the tragedies of bowling Cromañón and railway station Once. Or the tragedy of Lapa in Aeroparque. Are we citizens in the hands of a cynical and insensitive bureaucratic monster? Everything makes you think that the ordinary citizen instead of protecting state abandons to their fate.

Until we know the truth of what happened, we have no other thing to do but honor those who died in the line of duty, unlike the official bureaucrats who violate it. Some are heroes and deserve our eternal gratitude. The others are villains and they deserve our strongest condemnation

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