domingo, 9 de febrero de 2014

Sunday Times: "Assad has stored chemical weapons and advanced regions Alawites in Syria just as it divided"

Syrian President Bashar Assad has been stockpiling chemical weapons, biological weapons and other advanced areas Alawites of Syria so that they can remain in their hands if the country is divided, according to the Sunday Times of London.

According to the report, among the weapons that Assad has been hiding there chemical warheads.

"The Israelis believe that some of the weapons, chemical warheads primarily for missiles and artillery shells, hidden now deeply in the Alawite enclave in western Syria and along the coast around Latakia to the border with Turkey," said report.

Assad is a member of the minority Alawite sect, a mystical branch of Shia Islam largely concentrated in northwest Syria. He has been fighting for nearly three years of civil war against rebel forces mainly Sunni origin.

Near the global chemical control agency, sources said last week that less than five percent of the roughly 700 tons of chemicals, according to an agreement with the West, supposedly should have left Syria on December 31 last year have done so.

A source quoted by the Sunday Times said Assad "probably will not reach the deadline of June 30, when all of the 1,300 tons of lethal chemical weapons should be destroyed."

The source noted that, to date, "Syria has taken only 4% of its stockpile of chemical weapons" and "will not reach the deadline of this week to send all the toxic agents abroad for destruction."

According to the report, Assad recently has consolidated its control over the Alawite regions.

"This region is now fully fortified and isolated from the rest of Syria," said a source of unidentified Israeli military intelligence, was quoted as saying. "The most advanced weapons made in Russia and imported from Syria remain there."

Peace talks between the Assad regime and the Western-backed opposition in Geneva on Friday ended without concrete progress without immediate commitment of Assad envoys to return 10 February to more meetings.

The U.S. They have insisted that Assad can not be part of a transitional government, while Russia has been a key ally of the Assad government

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