domingo, 9 de febrero de 2014

The pimp status

The 33 presidents and dignitaries who visited Havana marveled. None knew how, albeit precariously, with ruined buildings and the edge of catastrophe, Cuba managed to hold. Perhaps with the exception of Nicolas Maduro, who has second sight and an ongoing dialogue with the birds, keeping him fully informed.

None Bicentennial unaware that the sugar industry had been liquidated and scrapped by fierce inability of the leadership. Everyone knew that the marks of snuff and rum were sold to European multinationals long ago. It was evident that there was no fishing fleet since the nineties. However, the island, in fits and starts, imported 80 percent of all inputs that society needs, including food, medicine and a substantial part of the energy.

How did he do? Where was the catch? Where did the money?

I heard it for the first time a European diplomat who had lived in Cuba. Then he has popularized. The model created by the Castro is the pimp status. Pimping is criminal conduct consisting benefit from another person who agrees to work through coercion or providing protection. Usually applied to prostitution, but only her. It is also known colloquially as "swagger".

It's an awkward name, but adjusted to the reality that flows quietly between Cubans on the island's government has specialized in extortion of its own citizens or allies he gives them intelligence services and social control, his only two specialties or "comparative advantages", as they say in economic jargon. Fifty-five years after the dictatorship implanted almost all significant sources of income to sustain the country come from dark business conducted abroad.

The Venezuelan subsidy. Estimated at 13 000 million annually by Professor Carmelo Mesa Lago, dean of Cuban economists in this area. That includes more than 100 000 barrels of oil, of which half are re-exported and sold in Spain. Other 30 000 look set to Petro Caribe and gives rise to a double political support corruption and illicit enrichment. The public source of this information is the expert Mantellini Pedro, one of the great connoisseurs of Venezuelan oil issue. He explained the program in Miami Maria Elvira Salazar on CNN Latino. Caracas international influence purchase petroleum based, but shared with his Cuban accomplices managing these gifts. Cuba, after all, is the metropolis.

Trafficking of doctors and health workers. Amounts to about seven thousand five hundred million dollars annually. The specialist Maria Werlau, director of Cuba Archive, the activity described in The Miami Herald. It is very easy to reach the article through Google. The Cuban government rent and lease charge of their health professionals. They confiscated his "protected" 95% of wages. Angola pays up to sixty thousand dollars a year for each physician. Even aid to Haiti escapes this scheme tariffed solidarity. The services provided in the devastated country would pay a good price to Havana international organizations. Brazil, which pays for many services, is the last major partner of Cuba in this dark international health procuring activity. Dilma does not benefit both your poor, as his Cuban friends. Raul also has a great mastery of the craft. It is a practice known by Cuban slave since the nineteenth century. While slavery lasted (until 1886) to lease the masters used their slaves when not needed. The most profitable part of the business of "renting blacks" were delivered poor girls to brothels. Their masters charged for the services they paid. Were businessmen-pimps. Now, simply, it is a state-pimp.

Other rentals, other businesses. But that does not stop the operation. The Cuban government leases them to private companies other professionals. The ancient Greeks referred to slaves as "speaking tools". I do not think Raul knows the classics, but understands the ultimate meaning of the expression. There are Latin American or Lusophone universities that contract with the government in Havana Cubans services good math or physics teachers at bargain prices. There are nightclubs and cabarets or theaters that hire musicians who use Cuban dancers, including the gorgeous Alicia Alonso Ballet. There are European and Latin American companies that exploit computer technicians from the Island of the Castro regime knows that a well-educated Cuban is totally unproductive in Cuba, given the insane economic system of the island, but it is a potential source of wealth Once placed on the outside. Objectively, that government is a gigantic and implacable labor subcontracting company that violates all rules of the International Labour Organization (ILO). That and his livelihood.

Remittances from exiles. Emilio Morales, the great expert on the subject, Cuba escaped relatively recently, and is that source of income (2012) in just over five billion dollars. Half, roughly, is forwarded in cash and the rest in goods. Grows 13% annual. Every time you miss a rafter, the regime, lip service, groans for the leak, but he knows that after a while, dollars flow to the needy family left Cuba on the Island, even with crumbs, had I feed him. Once in exile, is a free and constant source of income.

Hence get the money to pay for imports. How long will Raul Castro sustain a society almost entirely unproductive activities by hovering or incurred by the crime? Is not known. The pimps usually have long life. There are many people who served their intermediation to access various forms of pleasure, including enjoyment of power.

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