Jailbreak 7.1.1 UnTethered iOS Development: P0sixninja May Create a Utility – Ensuing both the evasi0n jailbreak-patching iOS 7.1 and 7.1.1 firmware releases from Apple, millions of jailbreakers have regrettably become stuck on the latest iteration of iOS 7 without a jailbreak in sight. Envious of those on iOS 7.0.6 and earlier with full jailbroken capabilities, a number said jailbreakers have regrettably fallen for various scams claiming to provide an Untethered iOS 7.1.1 jailbreak solution that now clutter the web. Until recently, those who either mistakenly updated to iOS 7.1.1 or purchased new iDevices already running the latest firmware had to become comfortable with, and accept the idea of, waiting for Apple to release both iOS 8 and new iDevices before the evad3rs would push out an Untethered jailbreak utility. Pod2g recently ignited the hopes of jailbreakers around the globe by suggesting that he is actively seeking new exploits that could be applied to a utility to jailbreak 7.1.1 – however, pod2g also mentioned that it could still go the other way and that there’s a good chance the evad3rs will still sit tight until iOS 8. With that said, new developments may suggest that pod2g will have to fight for the glory of jailbreaking 7.1.1, as a new competitor may very well have stepped into the metaphorical jailbreak arena.
Jailbreak 7.1.1 Development: P0sixninja to Create an UnTethered Tool?
Last night, p0sixninja (quondam leader of the once-renowned Chronic Dev Team) sent a tweet that the majority of his followers have interpreted as the hackers unofficial confirmation of the potential development of an iOS 7.1.x jailbreak utility.
P0sxininja’s tweet in question, which is embedded above could easily be construed as sort of a teaser tweet for what the hacker has planned. After all, last year, p0sixninja suggested numerous times that he was working on creating a bootrom-based jailbreak utility that could function on newer iPhone, iPad and iPod touch models.
What Would A Bootrom iOS 7.1.1 Jailbreak Mean?
Like Geohot’s 2010 limera1n exploit for A4-based devices, which still functions to date and is the sole reason behind new iPhone 4-exclusive 7.1.1 jailbreak utilities like Geeksn0w, a new bootrom exploit would allow for the creation of jailbreak utilities on essentially every firmware. Due to the fact that bootrom-based jailbreaks exploit hardware and not software vulnerabilities, they’re impossible for Apple to patch aside from the impractical release of new hardware.
However, before reading too much into p0sixninja’s initial and subsequent (“You don’t throw more gasoline on a fire….”) tweets, the hacker has been known to “troll” jailbreakers and it’s entirely possible that nothing immediate will come of p0sixninja’s latest tease.
That being said, it’s all but confirmed that the jailbreaker is at the very least dabbling in iOS security and exploit research, based on various oddities and interesting tweets on his account’s timeline.
Don’t forget to read our previous post outlining pod2g’s quote that also suggests the hacker is looking for jailbreak exploits for possible use in a new iOS 7.1.1 utility. Finally, if you’re interested in earning paid Apps for Free without a jailbreak (legally), follow our latest FreeAppLife tutorial.
Thank you for reading and don’t forget to subscribe to our 7.1.1 Jailbreak Evasion Info news feed, like us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter and add us on Google+ to be swiftly notified when we publish new articles concerning p0sixninja, iOS 8, 7.1.1 and the next UnTethered jailbreak utility.
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